Zig Zag Scenic Drive

An iconic destination for both local community members and tourist alike located in the Gooseberry Hill National Park.

Zig Zag operates as a shared path – Pedestrian and Cycling Friendly Zone. 

The Zig Zag Scenic Drive opens at 11:00am and closes at 8.30pm 7 days per week as a one-way shared space.

Note: Vehicles still within the Scenic Drive after 8.30pm will be locked in overnight and can be collected the following morning once the gates are reopened at 11:00am. 

The Zig Zag Scenic Drive is an one-way shared path drive (from the top to the bottom), with stopping only permitted in designated areas.


Hours: 11.00am - 8.30pm
✔️ Permitted:  🚗 Cars, 🚴Cycles, 🚶‍♂️Pedestrians
 The Zig Zag Scenic Drive will be open to motor vehicles.


Hours:  8.30pm - 11.00am 
✔️PERMITTED: 🚴Cycles, 🚶‍♂️Pedestrians
The gates will be locked. No motor vehicles are permitted to enter the Zig Zag Scenic Drive during this period.

This is a shared zone - please be courteous to other users. Be mindful of the environment and take and dispose of your rubbish responsibly.


Parking: Visitors are reminded to follow signage and comply with road markings present. Vehicles are permitted to stop at designated areas only. This area is patrolled and fines may occur if parking offences are committed. 

Camping / Off Road Access: There is NO permitted camping or off road vehicle access in and around the surrounding bushland. Find more information via Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions.

Toilet / Restrooms: There are no public toilet facilities are available along the Scenic Drive. Find then nearest public facility via https://toiletmap.gov.au

The City wishes to foster the benefits of social interaction and strengthening of community through the continued use of the Zig Zag Scenic Drive in the way that best benefits the community and our environment. 

For more information

Please contact the City of Kalamunda via:
Phone: (08) 9257 9999
Email enquiries@kalamunda.wa.gov.au

City and scenic road views from Zig Zag Scenic Drive

Jun 18, 2021, 14:32 PM by City of Kalamunda (Marketing)
Corporate Photo library - Chris Kershaw (L1250_059)
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