Fox trapping at Railway Heritage Trail Reserve
The City of Kalamunda’s annual fox trapping program will get underway in the coming weeks. The program will incorporate the establishment of traps at the Railway Heritage Trail Reserve where the City has received numerous reported sightings and as recommended by previous trapping program.
Traps will be set after dark and removed before daylight each night. Warning signs will be installed at entry points to the reserve and within close proximity to the trapping area. Residents are urged to adhere to all signage in place, as ignoring them could put them or their pets at risk.
Last year a total of five foxes were caught, including one female and four males. Within the RHT Reserve, one large mal fox was removed, and three dens destroyed. It is expected that more foxes will have moved back into the area hence the need for an ongoing program.
The forest surrounding Kalamunda is also regularly baited by the Department if Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions. The aerial baiting uses 1080 poison which does not harm local native animals and has been responsible for the increase in numbers of small mammals including Woylies and Western Brush Wallabies.
For more information on the City of Kalamunda’s fox control program, visit the project page.
To report a fox sighting, please contact the City of Kalamunda Environment Team on 9257 9999 or
Fox trapping at Railway Heritage Trail Reserve
The City of Kalamunda’s annual fox trapping program will get underway in the coming weeks. The program will incorporate the establishment of traps at the Railway Heritage Trail Reserve where the City has received numerous reported sightings and as recommended by previous trapping program.
Traps will be set after dark and removed before daylight each night. Warning signs will be installed at entry points to the reserve and within close proximity to the trapping area. Residents are urged to adhere to all signage in place, as ignoring them could put them or their pets at risk.
Last year a total of five foxes were caught, including one female and four males. Within the RHT Reserve, one large mal fox was removed, and three dens destroyed. It is expected that more foxes will have moved back into the area hence the need for an ongoing program.
The forest surrounding Kalamunda is also regularly baited by the Department if Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions. The aerial baiting uses 1080 poison which does not harm local native animals and has been responsible for the increase in numbers of small mammals including Woylies and Western Brush Wallabies.
For more information on the City of Kalamunda’s fox control program, visit the project page.
To report a fox sighting, please contact the City of Kalamunda Environment Team on 9257 9999 or
We respectfully acknowledge the Traditional Owners, the Whadjuk Noongar People as the Custodians of this land. We also pay respect to all Aboriginal community Elders, past, present and future who have and continue to reside in the area and have been an integral part of the history of this region.