Funding on track to deliver Hartfield Park Master Plan Stage 2

26 April 2023 12:00 AM

Council endorsed the Hartfield Park Master Plan (HPMP) Stage 2 funding strategy at the Ordinary Council Meeting held on 18 April 2023.

Council endorsed the Hartfield Park Master Plan (HPMP) Stage 2 funding strategy at the Ordinary Council Meeting held on 18 April 2023. 

Mayor Margaret Thomas said it was a momentous stage for the projects which include multimillion-dollar upgrades for local football, bowls, tennis, rugby, soccer and athletics clubs along with plans for a new purpose built Mens Shed on the Hartfield Park site. 

“This is a fantastic collaborative project between all levels of government to achieve positive outcomes for the community.”

“Hartfield Park, Forrestfield is one of the City’s premier facilities and the largest multi-use sporting facility. It is an asset to all of our community.”

In 2022, the Federal Government made a $5.4 million election pledge to the HPMP Stage 2 project, bringing the total funding allocation for the plan to $8.06 million.

The City has worked with the Federal Government in order to progress an agreement for the $5.4 million funding.  The City has also worked with local Traditional Owners and the State Government to attain Cultural Heritage approvals for Hartfield Park. 

The approved recommendation endorsed the HPMP Stage 2 funding strategy, that will deliver the following projects across all funding sources:

  1. Bowls / Tennis co-location and two new tennis courts with lighting
  2. New AFL / Little Athletics Pavilion
  3. New Little Athletics infrastructure at John Reid Oval
  4. John Reid Oval car parking improvements Stage 1
  5. Forrestfield United Football Club (FUFC) upgrades including unisex changerooms
  6. New Foothills Mens Shed
  7. Refurbishment of Rugby League Clubroom and new unisex changerooms

Commencement of each project will be dependent on finalisation of funding agreements specific to each project. The City expects these to be resolved in coming months.

The City will also continue to advocate to the State and Federal Governments in relation to the remaining unfunded HPMP Stage 2 projects.

For more information on the Ordinary Council Meeting visit or contact the City of Kalamunda on (08) 9257 9999, email or visit the City’s website

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