Heidelberg Clears Hurdle
The City of Kalamunda has welcomed an announcement from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) that the Metropolitan Region Scheme Amendment can proceed to public advertising.
The WAPC has now formally initiated the amendment process under Section 35 of the Planning and Development Act 2005 to allow a portion of Heidelberg Park, which is located at Lot 800 Canning Road in Carmel to be rezoned to Urban so that is can be developed for Aged Care purposes.
Mayor Cr Margaret Thomas said, “The City has been investigating the future development potential of Heidelberg Park, Carmel, along with several other sites, for aged care for a number of years.”
“It’s a double win, as the WAPC has also proceeded to ensure that the land of the Old Railway Reserve in Kalamunda which is currently Urban should move to be identified as a Parks and Recreation reservation. The Old Railway Reserve is a site that the City has been advocating to have preserved for many years, since it was previously planned for a portion of the site to be sold for residential subdivision.”
Community consultation was undertaken by the City in June-July 2019 to obtain the community’s vision and values for the Heidelberg Park site. The consultation indicated that a significant portion of the community envisage the site for aged care and improved public open space with the development of a nature playground for intergenerational benefit on the site scoring high, as well as a desire to retain the quality bushland to the west.
“It was fantastic to see this feedback taken on board in regards to the development of a concept that has also been supported by the State Government to progress through the rezoning process.”
“Council at the Ordinary Council Meeting in November 2019 requested that the WAPC initiate an amendment to the Metropolitan Region Scheme to rezone a portion of the land from Parks and Recreation to Urban to permit the future development of aged care.”
‘I must also thank the local Member Mathew Hughes who has continued to assist to further advocate for progress on this issue during his term.”
“We will continue to advocate for the sense of place to be at the heart of any future development, the initiation of the MRS amendment process is one step forward in a long process to bring aged care options to the City.”
“The project was a City of Kalamunda initiative, that has been championed in partnership with the City of Kalamunda Aged Care Advisory Committee. I also thank the members of the Kalamunda Environmental Committee for their review and efforts.”
“The work of the City in the development of the necessary technical studies, as well as coordinating community engagement and working with agencies through a ‘whole of government approach’ is a best practice model for providing aged care opportunities.”
“The initiation of an MRS Amendment is not a simple process and there is much still to be done, with further detailed studies, more community engagement and further consideration of the matter by State Government agencies, however this is a significant step in the right direction.”
Environmental matters on the site are required to be managed at subsequent phases of the planning process, as with all developments.
Heidelberg Clears Hurdle
The City of Kalamunda has welcomed an announcement from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) that the Metropolitan Region Scheme Amendment can proceed to public advertising.
The WAPC has now formally initiated the amendment process under Section 35 of the Planning and Development Act 2005 to allow a portion of Heidelberg Park, which is located at Lot 800 Canning Road in Carmel to be rezoned to Urban so that is can be developed for Aged Care purposes.
Mayor Cr Margaret Thomas said, “The City has been investigating the future development potential of Heidelberg Park, Carmel, along with several other sites, for aged care for a number of years.”
“It’s a double win, as the WAPC has also proceeded to ensure that the land of the Old Railway Reserve in Kalamunda which is currently Urban should move to be identified as a Parks and Recreation reservation. The Old Railway Reserve is a site that the City has been advocating to have preserved for many years, since it was previously planned for a portion of the site to be sold for residential subdivision.”
Community consultation was undertaken by the City in June-July 2019 to obtain the community’s vision and values for the Heidelberg Park site. The consultation indicated that a significant portion of the community envisage the site for aged care and improved public open space with the development of a nature playground for intergenerational benefit on the site scoring high, as well as a desire to retain the quality bushland to the west.
“It was fantastic to see this feedback taken on board in regards to the development of a concept that has also been supported by the State Government to progress through the rezoning process.”
“Council at the Ordinary Council Meeting in November 2019 requested that the WAPC initiate an amendment to the Metropolitan Region Scheme to rezone a portion of the land from Parks and Recreation to Urban to permit the future development of aged care.”
‘I must also thank the local Member Mathew Hughes who has continued to assist to further advocate for progress on this issue during his term.”
“We will continue to advocate for the sense of place to be at the heart of any future development, the initiation of the MRS amendment process is one step forward in a long process to bring aged care options to the City.”
“The project was a City of Kalamunda initiative, that has been championed in partnership with the City of Kalamunda Aged Care Advisory Committee. I also thank the members of the Kalamunda Environmental Committee for their review and efforts.”
“The work of the City in the development of the necessary technical studies, as well as coordinating community engagement and working with agencies through a ‘whole of government approach’ is a best practice model for providing aged care opportunities.”
“The initiation of an MRS Amendment is not a simple process and there is much still to be done, with further detailed studies, more community engagement and further consideration of the matter by State Government agencies, however this is a significant step in the right direction.”
Environmental matters on the site are required to be managed at subsequent phases of the planning process, as with all developments.
We respectfully acknowledge the Traditional Owners, the Whadjuk Noongar People as the Custodians of this land. We also pay respect to all Aboriginal community Elders, past, present and future who have and continue to reside in the area and have been an integral part of the history of this region.