Aquatic facility for the future
The City of Kalamunda will be investigating the needs and options for the provision of a future aquatic facility within the City.
The Kalamunda Water Park, previously known as Kalamunda Wet’n’Wild, was originally built in the mid-1960’s and has been operating for 55 years. Over its life the facility has undertaken numerous upgrades and renewals to best service the needs of the community of the time.
Mayor Margaret Thomas explained that the City will be undertaking a business case to investigate what type of aquatic facility will service the community’s needs well into the future.
“Aquatic centres are a valuable commodity for any community. Not only do they provide extensive recreational opportunities, but they also provide a social place for families and friends to come together”.
“The City receives regular feedback that the existing facility does not meet the needs of the current community, including access to a year round heated facility. It is important for us to identify our community’s needs in considering the need for, usage, design and best location of a new aquatic facility”
“Like myself, there are many here who have a connection to the local Water Park so it is important that we get a good representation of views across the City. I encourage everyone in the community to complete the survey and have their say.
Residents are encouraged to complete the survey online at Alternatively hard copies can be collected from City Administration, 2 Railway Road, Kalamunda or any of the City libraries.
The City will be holding two community workshops which will provide further information on the business case and allow residents to give their feedback. They will be held on:
- Monday, 18 November 2019 at Woodlupine Community Centre, 88 Hale Road, Forrestfield from 6:00pm to 7:30pm.
- Thursday, 21 November 2019 at the City’s Administration building (Function Room), 2 Railway Road, Kalamunda from 6:00pm to 7:30pm.
All are welcome but are encouraged to RSVP for catering purposes to 9257 9999 or by email to
Comments close Friday 13 December 2019
Aquatic facility for the future
The City of Kalamunda will be investigating the needs and options for the provision of a future aquatic facility within the City.
The Kalamunda Water Park, previously known as Kalamunda Wet’n’Wild, was originally built in the mid-1960’s and has been operating for 55 years. Over its life the facility has undertaken numerous upgrades and renewals to best service the needs of the community of the time.
Mayor Margaret Thomas explained that the City will be undertaking a business case to investigate what type of aquatic facility will service the community’s needs well into the future.
“Aquatic centres are a valuable commodity for any community. Not only do they provide extensive recreational opportunities, but they also provide a social place for families and friends to come together”.
“The City receives regular feedback that the existing facility does not meet the needs of the current community, including access to a year round heated facility. It is important for us to identify our community’s needs in considering the need for, usage, design and best location of a new aquatic facility”
“Like myself, there are many here who have a connection to the local Water Park so it is important that we get a good representation of views across the City. I encourage everyone in the community to complete the survey and have their say.
Residents are encouraged to complete the survey online at Alternatively hard copies can be collected from City Administration, 2 Railway Road, Kalamunda or any of the City libraries.
The City will be holding two community workshops which will provide further information on the business case and allow residents to give their feedback. They will be held on:
- Monday, 18 November 2019 at Woodlupine Community Centre, 88 Hale Road, Forrestfield from 6:00pm to 7:30pm.
- Thursday, 21 November 2019 at the City’s Administration building (Function Room), 2 Railway Road, Kalamunda from 6:00pm to 7:30pm.
All are welcome but are encouraged to RSVP for catering purposes to 9257 9999 or by email to
Comments close Friday 13 December 2019
We respectfully acknowledge the Traditional Owners, the Whadjuk Noongar People as the Custodians of this land. We also pay respect to all Aboriginal community Elders, past, present and future who have and continue to reside in the area and have been an integral part of the history of this region.