New Refuge for High Wycombe Pedestrians
The City of Kalamunda has constructed a new pedestrian refuge on Kalamunda Road, between Abernethy Road and Stirling Crescent in High Wycombe. The works will conclude with new line-marking, which is scheduled to take place in April.
The City of Kalamunda has constructed a new pedestrian refuge on Kalamunda Road, between Abernethy Road and Stirling Crescent in High Wycombe. The works will conclude with new line-marking, which is scheduled to take place in April.
The $35,000 project involved localised road widening and construction of a refuge island, pram ramps and new footpath to the nearby bus stop.
Mayor John Giardina said, “A lot of residents from the nearby Hillview Lifestyle Village cross this road on a daily basis to get to the bus stop.
Kalamunda Road is very busy at this location and there was a clear need for a safer means of crossing the road.”
The upgrades form part of a significant capital works program for 2019, with over 20 projects currently scheduled for completion this year.
For more information on the Kalamunda Road/Newburn Road/Chipping Drive project, please contact the City of Kalamunda on 9257 9999 or email
New Refuge for High Wycombe Pedestrians
The City of Kalamunda has constructed a new pedestrian refuge on Kalamunda Road, between Abernethy Road and Stirling Crescent in High Wycombe. The works will conclude with new line-marking, which is scheduled to take place in April.
The City of Kalamunda has constructed a new pedestrian refuge on Kalamunda Road, between Abernethy Road and Stirling Crescent in High Wycombe. The works will conclude with new line-marking, which is scheduled to take place in April.
The $35,000 project involved localised road widening and construction of a refuge island, pram ramps and new footpath to the nearby bus stop.
Mayor John Giardina said, “A lot of residents from the nearby Hillview Lifestyle Village cross this road on a daily basis to get to the bus stop.
Kalamunda Road is very busy at this location and there was a clear need for a safer means of crossing the road.”
The upgrades form part of a significant capital works program for 2019, with over 20 projects currently scheduled for completion this year.
For more information on the Kalamunda Road/Newburn Road/Chipping Drive project, please contact the City of Kalamunda on 9257 9999 or email
We respectfully acknowledge the Traditional Owners, the Whadjuk Noongar People as the Custodians of this land. We also pay respect to all Aboriginal community Elders, past, present and future who have and continue to reside in the area and have been an integral part of the history of this region.