Ordinary Local Government Elections
21 October 2023 : 7:00 AM - 21 October 2023 : 5:00 PM
Local government ordinary elections are held on the third Saturday in October every two years. The next state-wide ordinary elections are scheduled for Saturday 21 October 2023.
Councillors are elected for terms of four years in Western Australia. Elections are held every two years for half of the council, and candidates are elected using the first-past-the-post voting system.
The Electoral Commissioner is responsible for conducting all local government postal elections in Western Australia and can also conduct voting in person elections on request under the Local Government Act 1995. By making the Electoral Commissioner responsible for these elections, the local governments concerned ensure that elections are conducted independently and with impartiality.
Voting in a local government election
For local government elections, rolls close at 5.00 pm, 50 days prior to polling day. Eligible electors who wish to run as a candidate at their local government election must nominate with the appointed Returning Officer by the prescribed close of nominations date and time.
For postal elections, all eligible electors will receive a postal voting package two to three (2-3) weeks prior to polling day. This package includes candidate profiles, ballot paper(s), instructions on how to vote, a declaration that must be signed by the elector and a reply-paid envelope. Follow the instructions to lodge your vote.
Find out more via elections.wa.gov.au/elections/local
2 Railway Road,
City of Kalamunda, Administration Centre, Function Room
Western Australian Electoral Commission
13 63 06
We respectfully acknowledge the Traditional Owners, the Whadjuk Noongar People as the Custodians of this land. We also pay respect to all Aboriginal community Elders, past, present and future who have and continue to reside in the area and have been an integral part of the history of this region.