You, Me, Us Youth Week 2023

08 April 2023 : 8:00 AM - 17 April 2023 : 8:00 AM

Join the City of Kalamunda in celebrating Youth Week WA 2023 with a series of activities and workshops which allow young people to explore and embrace their own identity, as well as grow their awareness of others’ lives, their differences, similarities, cultural links, and heritage, to strengthen the connection between residents living in our local community.


Monday April 10: If I Were a Bird Art Workshop with Michael Phillips | 9am-3pm | Kalamunda Community Centre, Crescent Road Kalamunda: Using art as the outlet of expression, this workshop will walk young people through the creation of their own mural, from designing and building stencils to creating their individual murals. The final artwork will visualise the representation of each participant’s personal identity and how they view this

Tuesday April 11: Access and Inclusion Matters with the Youth Disability Advocacy Network | 12pm-2:30pm | Meerilinga, High Wycombe : A workshop to build awareness around social inclusion, breaking down barriers for participants to interact with people who have a disability and have a deeper understanding of what it means to be inclusive

Wednesday April 12: Cultural Empowerment Workshop with Social Reinvestment WA | 10:00am-12:30pm | Woodlupine Community Centre, Forrestfield: This workshop will facilitate a greater understanding of Indigenous culture and raise awareness surrounding allyship and how to support advocacy causes such as the Raise the Age Campaign

Thursday April 13: LGBTQIA+ Youth Empowerment Workshop with Freedom Centre | 10:30am-12:00pm | Gooseberry Hill Hall: A workshop focused on providing a space for young people to explore their identity and connect with other like-minded people in their community to build friendships and a network of support. 

Other Activities:

  • Friday April 14 April: Accidental Counsellor Training for Youth Action Kalamunda Group: This is event is specific training for our Youth Action Kalamunda Volunteers who are the City of Kalamunda's Youth Advisory Council to support them and further develop their leadership skills. If you're interested in attending events like this get in touch to find out how to join 
  • Kalamunda Libraries Youth Display: Check out the City of Kalamunda Libraries Youth Week Book display during Youth Week showcasing stories on identity, inclusion and self-discovery in the young-adult section

Follow the City of Kalamunda Youth Facebook and Instagram to see the content the team have in store during the week! 

Bookings essential, book via:


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City of Kalamunda- Youth
9257 9999

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