Have Your Say: Proposed Childcare Premises – Lot 69 (35) Sanderson Road, Lesmurdie
The City has received an application for a proposed childcare premises at the above-mentioned location. The proposed use is a permissible land use under the provisions of Local Planning Scheme No.3.
Please be advised the City is not the determining authority, and the application will be determined by the Outer Metropolitan Joint Development Assessment Panel. The City is required to prepare a Responsible Authority Report (RAR) that provides a comprehensive assessment of the application and a recommendation to the Panel.
The key elements of the proposal are as follows:
- The hours of operation are Monday to Friday 6:30am til 7pm
- A maximum number of 86 children is proposed
- 19 staff members are proposed
- The development will utilise the existing shopping centre car parking bays for its use
The application seeks to lease a portion of Barrie Oldfield Reserve (475.36m2) to be utilised as an outdoor nature play space. The agreement to lease the City’s reserve is subject to a separate application that has been lodged with the City’s Property and Procurement team and the application to lease the reserve will run concurrently with the JDAP application. More information on the separate application can be found on the City's online engagement portal via https://engage.kalamunda.wa.gov.au/reserve-29873-sanderson-road
Have Your Say!
Find more information about this proposal and provide feedback via https://engage.kalamunda.wa.gov.au/da22-0132
In addition, associated documentation can be viewed at the Administration Centre located at 2 Railway Road, Kalamunda during office hours. Any person who wishes to comment in writing is required to include the reference DA22/0132 | DAP/22/02217 along with the property affected with the submission comments to:
In Person: City of Kalamunda, 2 Railway Road, Kalamunda
Email: enquiries@kalamunda.wa.gov.au
Post: PO Box 42, Kalamunda WA 6926
Comments close 5pm on Friday, 10 June 2022
For any further information, please contact the City of Kalamunda via telephone on (08) 9257 9999 during office hours.
Have Your Say: Proposed Childcare Premises – Lot 69 (35) Sanderson Road, Lesmurdie
The City has received an application for a proposed childcare premises at the above-mentioned location. The proposed use is a permissible land use under the provisions of Local Planning Scheme No.3.
Please be advised the City is not the determining authority, and the application will be determined by the Outer Metropolitan Joint Development Assessment Panel. The City is required to prepare a Responsible Authority Report (RAR) that provides a comprehensive assessment of the application and a recommendation to the Panel.
The key elements of the proposal are as follows:
- The hours of operation are Monday to Friday 6:30am til 7pm
- A maximum number of 86 children is proposed
- 19 staff members are proposed
- The development will utilise the existing shopping centre car parking bays for its use
The application seeks to lease a portion of Barrie Oldfield Reserve (475.36m2) to be utilised as an outdoor nature play space. The agreement to lease the City’s reserve is subject to a separate application that has been lodged with the City’s Property and Procurement team and the application to lease the reserve will run concurrently with the JDAP application. More information on the separate application can be found on the City's online engagement portal via https://engage.kalamunda.wa.gov.au/reserve-29873-sanderson-road
Have Your Say!
Find more information about this proposal and provide feedback via https://engage.kalamunda.wa.gov.au/da22-0132
In addition, associated documentation can be viewed at the Administration Centre located at 2 Railway Road, Kalamunda during office hours. Any person who wishes to comment in writing is required to include the reference DA22/0132 | DAP/22/02217 along with the property affected with the submission comments to:
In Person: City of Kalamunda, 2 Railway Road, Kalamunda
Email: enquiries@kalamunda.wa.gov.au
Post: PO Box 42, Kalamunda WA 6926
Comments close 5pm on Friday, 10 June 2022
For any further information, please contact the City of Kalamunda via telephone on (08) 9257 9999 during office hours.
We respectfully acknowledge the Traditional Owners, the Whadjuk Noongar People as the Custodians of this land. We also pay respect to all Aboriginal community Elders, past, present and future who have and continue to reside in the area and have been an integral part of the history of this region.