Have Your Say: Safe Active Streets
The City are engaging with the community to inform the design and construction of a Safe Active Street (SAS) routes. Safe Active Streets are local neighbourhood streets, and cycle routes that have a range of traffic calming treatments, such as raised intersection islands, road narrowing, and lots of landscaping.
The City are seeking feedback for the following two places and spaces where we are growing our safer, active roads for all users, from those in cars, to those walking and riding bikes. Safely connecting the community to their local schools, shops, green spaces, transport links – and most importantly to each other.
Features of Safte Active Street may include:
- Single-lane slow points, where approaching vehicles should give way to any car or bike already at or passing through the slow point;
- Raised platforms at intersections;
- Narrowing street widths by introducing on-street parking and plantings;
- Using traffic islands and medians to restrict car movements at intersections, while allowing movements in all directions for people on bikes and on foot;
- Pedestrian or bike crossings;
- Bicycle symbol road markings in the centre of each unmarked lane, to encourage cyclists to take the lane;
- Lateral shifts in the carriageway to reduce sight lines (i.e. swapping formalised on-street parking and new tree planting nibs from one side of the street to the other;
- Additional tree planting and landscaping to make our neighbourhood spaces more attractive places to walk or ride.
What are the benefits?
- Safe Active Streets look better, friendlier and create a sense of place.
- Low speed streets reduce traffic noise and significant injury from traffic accidents.
- Low speed streets improve the safety of our children traveling to school.
- Save money on petrol and car maintenance by walking and riding – an easy way to add some physical activity to you day and do your bit for Climate Change by reducing air pollution.
- Get some fresh air and connect with your neighbourhood. Being active increases mental and physical well being.
- Safe Active Streets increases opportunities for tree planting, expanding our urban canopy and reducing heat sink.
Community Workshops
The City are hosting the following two community workshops:
- Sussex Street ‘Wheelie’ Good SAS Community Design & Information Open Workshop
Date: Wednesday, 16 March 2022 5.30pm-7.00pm
Venue: Woodlupine Community Centre: Main Hall, 88 Hale Rd, Forrestfield WA 6058
Register your attendance here
Can't make it at 5.30pm?
No worries. Drop in at any time until 7.00pm to learn more about Safe Active Streets in your local neighbourhood. - Kiandra Way ‘Wheelie’ Good SAS Community Design & Information WALKshop
Venue: John McLarty Park, Kiandra Way High Wycombe - look for our 'Welcome booth'.
Date: Sunday, 13 March 2022
8.00am – 9.00am: Walkshop (BYO dogs on leads) | 9.00am - 10.30am: FREE BBQ Brunch and Safe Active Streets Info Booth
Bring your family, connect with your local neighbourhood, and join us for a ‘walk and talk’ along Kiandra Way followed by a FREE BBQ Brunch at the local park.
Register your attendance here
Have Your Say!
Find more information and provide feedback on the two Safe Active Street (SAS) routes via:
Alternative to the online survey, 1hard copies of the survey are available via the above engagement projects or at the City of Kalamunda’s Administration Centre during office hours. Written submissions can be provided via:
In Person: City of Kalamunda, 2 Railway Road, Kalamunda
Email: enquiries@kalamunda.wa.gov.au
Post: PO Box 42, Kalamunda WA 6926
Feedback closes at 5pm on 28 March 2022
For any further information, please contact the City of Kalamunda via telephone on (08) 9257 9999 during office hours.
1 Print and interactive document versions are available for download from the City's Engagement Portal
Have Your Say: Safe Active Streets
The City are engaging with the community to inform the design and construction of a Safe Active Street (SAS) routes. Safe Active Streets are local neighbourhood streets, and cycle routes that have a range of traffic calming treatments, such as raised intersection islands, road narrowing, and lots of landscaping.
The City are seeking feedback for the following two places and spaces where we are growing our safer, active roads for all users, from those in cars, to those walking and riding bikes. Safely connecting the community to their local schools, shops, green spaces, transport links – and most importantly to each other.
Features of Safte Active Street may include:
- Single-lane slow points, where approaching vehicles should give way to any car or bike already at or passing through the slow point;
- Raised platforms at intersections;
- Narrowing street widths by introducing on-street parking and plantings;
- Using traffic islands and medians to restrict car movements at intersections, while allowing movements in all directions for people on bikes and on foot;
- Pedestrian or bike crossings;
- Bicycle symbol road markings in the centre of each unmarked lane, to encourage cyclists to take the lane;
- Lateral shifts in the carriageway to reduce sight lines (i.e. swapping formalised on-street parking and new tree planting nibs from one side of the street to the other;
- Additional tree planting and landscaping to make our neighbourhood spaces more attractive places to walk or ride.
What are the benefits?
- Safe Active Streets look better, friendlier and create a sense of place.
- Low speed streets reduce traffic noise and significant injury from traffic accidents.
- Low speed streets improve the safety of our children traveling to school.
- Save money on petrol and car maintenance by walking and riding – an easy way to add some physical activity to you day and do your bit for Climate Change by reducing air pollution.
- Get some fresh air and connect with your neighbourhood. Being active increases mental and physical well being.
- Safe Active Streets increases opportunities for tree planting, expanding our urban canopy and reducing heat sink.
Community Workshops
The City are hosting the following two community workshops:
- Sussex Street ‘Wheelie’ Good SAS Community Design & Information Open Workshop
Date: Wednesday, 16 March 2022 5.30pm-7.00pm
Venue: Woodlupine Community Centre: Main Hall, 88 Hale Rd, Forrestfield WA 6058
Register your attendance here
Can't make it at 5.30pm?
No worries. Drop in at any time until 7.00pm to learn more about Safe Active Streets in your local neighbourhood. - Kiandra Way ‘Wheelie’ Good SAS Community Design & Information WALKshop
Venue: John McLarty Park, Kiandra Way High Wycombe - look for our 'Welcome booth'.
Date: Sunday, 13 March 2022
8.00am – 9.00am: Walkshop (BYO dogs on leads) | 9.00am - 10.30am: FREE BBQ Brunch and Safe Active Streets Info Booth
Bring your family, connect with your local neighbourhood, and join us for a ‘walk and talk’ along Kiandra Way followed by a FREE BBQ Brunch at the local park.
Register your attendance here
Have Your Say!
Find more information and provide feedback on the two Safe Active Street (SAS) routes via:
Alternative to the online survey, 1hard copies of the survey are available via the above engagement projects or at the City of Kalamunda’s Administration Centre during office hours. Written submissions can be provided via:
In Person: City of Kalamunda, 2 Railway Road, Kalamunda
Email: enquiries@kalamunda.wa.gov.au
Post: PO Box 42, Kalamunda WA 6926
Feedback closes at 5pm on 28 March 2022
For any further information, please contact the City of Kalamunda via telephone on (08) 9257 9999 during office hours.
1 Print and interactive document versions are available for download from the City's Engagement Portal
We respectfully acknowledge the Traditional Owners, the Whadjuk Noongar People as the Custodians of this land. We also pay respect to all Aboriginal community Elders, past, present and future who have and continue to reside in the area and have been an integral part of the history of this region.