Street Tree Pruning Works in Autumn
The City of Kalamunda’s annual powerline pruning of street trees and vegetation will be undertaken from March to May 2021.
The works are part of the City’s Powerline Vegetation Management plan approved by Western Power. The City has to undertake pruning of trees and vegetation on species that have been introduced into Perth whereas Western Power has to undertake street tree pruning underneath powerlines on trees that are naturally occurring and haven’t been introduced into the area.
More than 11,150 trees will be pruned over three months across Forrestfield, High Wycombe, Wattle Grove, Gooseberry Hill, Kalamunda, Maida Vale, Lesmurdie, Walliston, Bickley, Carmel and Pickering Brook.
Mayor Margaret Thomas said the City had a large number of trees, and those under powerlines required pruning for public safety. “The team do an amazing job looking after the many trees in our City, the annual program of works for trees now powerlines is incredibly important in terms of community safety.”
When trees come into contact with powerlines, they can cause power failures, bushfires and serious accidents so tree pruning is one of the ways to mitigate risk.
Residents with trees close to powerlines on private land should visit for further details.
For more information on the City’s street tree pruning program or to see the schedule of works, email or phone (08) 9257 9999.
Street Tree Pruning Works in Autumn
The City of Kalamunda’s annual powerline pruning of street trees and vegetation will be undertaken from March to May 2021.
The works are part of the City’s Powerline Vegetation Management plan approved by Western Power. The City has to undertake pruning of trees and vegetation on species that have been introduced into Perth whereas Western Power has to undertake street tree pruning underneath powerlines on trees that are naturally occurring and haven’t been introduced into the area.
More than 11,150 trees will be pruned over three months across Forrestfield, High Wycombe, Wattle Grove, Gooseberry Hill, Kalamunda, Maida Vale, Lesmurdie, Walliston, Bickley, Carmel and Pickering Brook.
Mayor Margaret Thomas said the City had a large number of trees, and those under powerlines required pruning for public safety. “The team do an amazing job looking after the many trees in our City, the annual program of works for trees now powerlines is incredibly important in terms of community safety.”
When trees come into contact with powerlines, they can cause power failures, bushfires and serious accidents so tree pruning is one of the ways to mitigate risk.
Residents with trees close to powerlines on private land should visit for further details.
For more information on the City’s street tree pruning program or to see the schedule of works, email or phone (08) 9257 9999.
We respectfully acknowledge the Traditional Owners, the Whadjuk Noongar People as the Custodians of this land. We also pay respect to all Aboriginal community Elders, past, present and future who have and continue to reside in the area and have been an integral part of the history of this region.