Free Wildflower Walks in the City of Kalamunda

02 May 2019 6:14 PM

The City of Kalamunda is renowned for its natural beauty, offering a glorious mix of bushland, creeks and waterfalls to explore all year round. During the cooler months, many flock to the Perth Hills to witness one of the most stunning displays of wildflowers in WA.

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The City of Kalamunda is renowned for its natural beauty, offering a glorious mix of bushland, creeks and waterfalls to explore all year round. During the cooler months, many flock to the Perth Hills to witness one of the most stunning displays of wildflowers in WA.

Finding the best spots takes a bit of knowledge, which is why the Darling Range Branch of the Wildflower Society of Western Australia is offering free Wildflower Walks on the fourth Sunday of every month from April to October. Walks can be arranged by contacting member Lynda Tomlinson on 9291 8753 or

The team also has an impressive collection of local Wildflowers set up for viewing at their herbarium. The herbarium, which houses nearly 400 species, is located at 5 Sanderson Road, Lesmurdie and opens at 10am every second Sunday of the month from March through to November.

Mayor John Giardina said, “Visitors come from far and wide to explore the herbarium, walking trails and lookouts to see the blooming wildflowers. The City of Kalamunda has many variations of soil and vegetation types thanks to its range of terrains, which creates a diverse range of plant communities.”

The Darling Range Branch formed in 1974 and now primarily focuses on the development of its herbarium. Activities, excursions, book sales and plant identification sessions are often run at the herbarium. The Branch has also recently adopted a small reserve in Kalamunda and help maintain gardens of native species near Kalamunda’s Guide Hall. 

Mayor John Giardina said the Branch is an asset to the City of Kalamunda community.

“The Branch members give selflessly to the maintenance and preservation of local flora and the environment. The members are both fiercely knowledgeable and passionate. Being able to harness and share that local knowledge with the wider community through their walks and activities is something truly special.”

Anyone with an interest in local flora is encouraged and welcome to join the Branch, who meet at the herbarium on the second Sunday of each month at 10am.

To join or to find out more about the activities on offer contact the President of the Darling Range Branch of Wildflower Society Lynda Tomlinson on 9291 8753 or email

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